This isn't a great photo. but you can see I opted for some more striped borders. Both of these baby quilt tops are made from denim and flannel. This top one I need to actually finish up in the next few days, because the baby it is for is already here.

I had the center of this one pieced, and hadn't decided on borders when this remnant of striped flannel caught my eye while shopping for some black background. Almost all of the remnant is in these borders, I can probably cut a couple squares from the remaining bits but it is pretty much out of here. I didn't have enough of the flannel to do the corners, thus the denim corners.
I have a couple more borders cut for other quilts, and I'd like to get those sewn on this weekend. I need to clean up my sewing room, and getting some of these almost-finished tops to finished tops stage should help. I cleaned off a shelf in the sewing room for completed tops, so now they will have a place to live until I get a chance to have another quilting spree.
Today I was hoping to sew, but I did our taxes instead. It took much longer than I bargained for, since I couldn't get the information from last year to transfer like it should have. Ah well, it's done now, and filed as well, so at least it's something to cross off my to-do list!
It is just amazing how much my life has changed in the last few months. We went from just three of us living here, to eight. Everyone has such drastically different schedules, and with newborn twins in the house, my life is busier than ever. Cooking, cleaning, and laundry for eight is a full time job, and when you add helping with twins to that, sewing time is hard to come by. There have been a couple times I've spent an hour sewing, and that feels like a huge extravagance. I am enjoying my time with my kids and grandkids, so it's not a problem, it's just different, and I'm having to rethink realistic goals for my sewing.
I'm hoping to get some sewing time tomorrow, but we should have some company on Sunday. I babysit Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday is DH's birthday, and DS the Elder should be flying into town that day :-) During busy, busy times like this, sewing helps keep me sane, so I'll keep quilting, even if it's 15 minutes at a time.