The little guy I babysit, Seth, just got a new baby sister, Autumn. I have been debating what to do about a quilt for Autumn since I found out it was a girl. I considered just quilting a top I have done, because it would be quick. I went through my completed baby quilt tops, and none of them seemed right. I thought about making a quilt from scratch, but I never seemed to have enough time, and I couldn't decide on a pattern.
When Autumn was born last week, and they texted me some photos of her, this quilt design popped into my head. I was so excited and I wanted to start on it right away, but I knew if I started this quilt before I finished the Christmas stockings, that the stockings would get put aside yet again, and probably not be finished on time.
I made myself finish the stockings, which I did on Sunday I believe. Monday I cut the 700 triangles for the mystery quilt step 5, and I also cut out the four Happy Hour blocks from Bonnie Hunter's Addicted to Scraps column in Quiltmaker magazine. I also traced all the applique shapes I needed onto the paper side of fusible webbing. I love to use my cookie cutters for quilting stencils and applique shapes!
On Tuesday I sewed up the four Happy Hour blocks, chose the fabrics for the appliques, ironed on the fusible and cut out all the shapes. Right before bed I cut the white squares (which is a white tone on tone with leaves on it) and fused the leaves and letters where I wanted them.
Wednesday- machine satin stitched all 28 appliques onto the main fabrics, which required lots and lots of rethreading for all of the different colors.
Today is Thursday, and I got the quilt assembled with borders by noon. I pieced the batting and backing, pin-basted it, quilted it, bound it, washed it, and it's in the dryer now. I am TIRED!
Tomorrow I will not be sewing. Not at all. None. We will be celebrating Christmas on Christmas Eve, and I will spend tomorrow cooking a few things ahead of time, playing with the twins, and likely doing laundry since I do laundry every day. If I have any time in the sewing room in the next two days, I will likely cut out the pieces I need for step 6 of the mystery quilt, since I've already seen it because Bonnie put it up early. On Christmas Day I will probably get some sewing time, since DH is working and all of our celebrating will be over. I think I can probably get caught up on the mystery quilt next week, even if I take the whole weekend off. I loved all the time in my sewing room, and I feel so happy to have finished the stockings, and made Autumn a quilt in record time!
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