Friday, May 4, 2012

A Little Garment Making or Making Little Garments

The scooter rally starts today, and I made the twins new outfits to wear. I haven't made a garment in a while, and that 5/8" seam looked huge! I cut out a dress for Miss S too, purple with rubber ducks on it, but I haven't started sewing it yet. Miss S likes ducks, she often goes around quacking, but the other day she went around saying "Duck, duck, moo, moo" which was pretty funny.

At any rate, these outfits for the twins is all the sewing I've done. There is a lot to do getting ready for a rally, and I've spent the week packing rally bags, baking cookies, organizing what to bring to which event and such. DH took the week off of work because he had much more to do than I did.

When the rally is over, I need to get the baby quilts that are quilted bound. I think I have six ready for binding. I also need to make some more baby bibs, but I can mail them if need be. DS the Elder and DDIL are supposed to visit next weekend with Miss E, and I can't wait for that!

I was thinking DD#3's school started the end of May, but we looked and her first class starts in July, so I won't be babysitting the twins regularly until then. Even then, she's only planning on taking one class the first session, so it will just be two days per week. Mid August she'll be taking four classes, and I'll have the twins four days a week, plus whichever days I watch the other kids I babysit for.

I have more time for sewing than I thought this summer, which is fun for me! I hope to finish up all these quilt tops into finished quilts, and that would just be awesome! I am itching to start new quilts, but I have been saving all my ideas in EQ, so that when I get some more quilts finished, I can start them without having a huge backlog to be quilted. I am really excited about my latest quilt design, which was really just a way to use up some blocks I have lying around. Even DH was really impressed with the EQ version of what I want to do with them. I have lots of blocks to make to turn those 16 blocks into a quilt top, but it will be stunning if it looks near as good in person as it does in EQ. It is really hard not to start on that one!

I really want 2012 to be a finishing year for me, so I am trying to be good. I have a couple leader/ender projects ready to start (neither of them have all the pieces cut out), and I have two quilts in assembly stage, so I will be doing some piecing. I'm going to need another baby quilt, so I will have to decide if I'll do a new start for it, or just use one I have. I'll wait on that one, baby's not due for a while, so I have time to think on it. I will also be making I Spy quilts for the twins for when they move out of the cribs. So many projects I want to do, and only so much time!

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