I'm determined to finish the year strong, even with the crazy holiday stuff going on and lots of company.
I had cut these brown HST's for another project, but hated how it was coming out. I dug some blue and orange out of stash to match the tiny flowers in this vintage brown calico, and ended up with what to me looks like a fairly modern quilt. I even had a vintage sheet I had picked up at a thrift store with the same colors in it, that was just big enough for the backing. Now I've got a bonus quilt I'm quite happy with, instead of pushing through and using it for my original purpose and hating it.
I finished four bibs yesterday. I've got nine more to do, but I may buy more towels and increase that a bit. The bibs I have here at my house are pretty worn out, some are left from when my kids were young. It might be nice to have some nicer bibs for Nana's house too.
I have two more weighted blankets ready to fill, but that's going to wait for Christmas Day when things should be quiet around here. Any sewing time I have this week will be spent either FMQ on my oldest UFO, making bibs, or cutting projects for next year. My list for next year's projects is already pretty long, and the sooner I get them cut out, the sooner I can start working on them.
Of Porches and Quilty Things!
18 hours ago
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