Remember a while back I made a Flying Geese quilt top out of men's shirts? I had all those bonus HST's and this is what became of them.

I had a couple of plaids that didn't quite read as a dark or a light, they looked out of place in either spot, but I used them anyway, and I think the design still shows up OK. Now that I've used this same border fabric on a couple of quilts, I have very little of it left. I might just cut the rest into narrower strips and throw it in my strip drawers.
Now I'm at a loss on what to do next. I haven't finished sewing my shirt strings up into blocks, but I'm close. I have nine finished quilt tops that need quilting, and several garments that need to be made, along with a couple of scooter seat covers, and some luggage tags. I really need to get to work on the non-quilty projects, so I can get back to the quilty ones, like starting DD#2's moving out quilt, and DD#3's wedding quilt. I think I might give one more day to the shirt strings, then pack whatever is left up for another time.
I'm thinking of trying to set aside one day of the week as a quilting-on-the-frame day. I can get a lap sized quilt quilted and bound in a day, if I don't have a bunch of tension issues and all goes well. With nine lap quilts waiting for quilting, it would take a while to catch up, but even longer if I wait until I have a week or more free to quilt.
I am excited about something I ordered online today. Simplicity has a rotary cutting machine out, and I asked DH about getting it for my birthday. He said to go ahead and order it, since my birthday is in a couple of weeks. I found it for $55 at It only cuts strips, not multiple shapes like the Go cutters. On the other hand, it cuts multiple sized strips without having to buy a bunch of templates. I'm looking forward to trying it. DD#3's wedding quilt is all strip pieced, and since the strips are so narrow, it is a LOT of cutting. If I can cut the strips with this cutter, I won't mind sub-cutting the rest with a ruler and rotary cutter. When I get it and try it out, I'll post and let you know how I like it.