Here is the back of the ugly quilt. Now you can see the ugly fabric that inspired such an odd color combination.
The Looney Toons quilt is also finished. It has that odd orange backing too, and I just folded it to the front to bind this one. DS the Younger really liked the feel of the orange fabric, so I'm glad I stuck it out and used it. All of the smaller quilts will go to Project Linus, and the ugly quilt will go to the Veterans Hospital.
I have another quilt about halfway quilted. I'm free-motioning fans on it, or Golden Arches as Patsy Thompson calls them. Good thing I'm not one to enter a quilting contest, they are pretty wonky! As long as I get better, it's OK, right? I think once the quilt is washed and such it will probably be fine. I know they say to practice on quilt sandwiches, but I find it such a waste of time and fabric. I'll just practice on the real thing, and look forward to the day I'm better at free-motion quilting.
So now I have four quilts done, done, binding and all. One is half quilted, and two more are pin basted. I know I'm not going to get all the quilt tops I have quilted on this spree. I started so much later than I had planned, because I snuck in making that queen sized Hawaiian quilt. I have about one more week where I can concentrate on quilting, then DH is off for three weeks, and we have some plans to work around the house.
I have been doing some piecing to take breaks from quilting. I've been piecing border for a purple quilt, and finishing up some blocks for a green quilt. I have all the blocks for the green quilt done now. I haven't spent much time piecing, just little bits of time here and there. My house is happy for the quilting spree. I'm so anxious to take breaks, I even do housework just to stretch. Scrubbing the sink never felt so good! I'm being very careful to not quilt too long at a time, and my shoulders are doing better now. My neck and shoulders get so tired from long quilting sessions, shorter quilting times are working much better.
I love your "Ugly" quilt. Next time try a 4 patch posie quilt for ugly fabric. It is like a stack and wack with only 4 layers.
You are making great progress. I still use meandering, because one, I like it. Two, it is a great one when one just doesn't want to interfere in the busyness of the quilt. I like the "ugly" quilt. The project Linus will find a great use for them I am sure. I'm nearing the end of a quilty spree of my own--one more quilt and I can close the box and mail it and get onto a quilt for granddaughter. Love your blog BTW! Fun, fun, quilts.
I like your ugly quilt, my mother would have liked it too, animal prints were her favorite. I have been on a quilting spree too, and got the first batch down now am working on another batch of 4. Got the first one basted this morning, so I'm on my way.
Great quilts.
You are making WONDERFUL progress on your quilting spree - keep up the good work!! I usually practice new quilting designs on donation quilts too. I love those Golden Arches, even tried some the other day with petals as the final row and it was fun (see a photo on my blog if you're interested) :)
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