I sewed quite a bit today, and got a lot done.
I have all of the blocks for my great-nephew's quilt, but here^ are one of each so you can see them. Isn't that robot adorable? I was trying for a gear type look with the other block. It is a Broken Wheel block with the colors switched around a bit. I have the sashing, cornerstones, and border cut and ready to go. I'm hoping to get it assembled while working on the rally quilt.
I also finished the sub-block A blocks for the pink/black beast. I kept working on them, because I had a leftover piece when making one of the logs, and I wasn't sure if I had one log too few, or if I had miscounted and grabbed one piece too many. I'm glad I stuck with making the sub-blocks, because I had one log too few, but since my extra pieces were still out and sorted, I easily made up the missing log. Now I can trim the extra pieces to 1 1/2" squares and dump any other pieces in with my crumbs. I get my containers back, and clean off some of my sewing cabinet, it's a win/win. I haven't decided if I am going to assemble the blocks now, or wait until after the rally quilt is finished. I'll decide tomorrow.
I got two of the rows assembled for the rally quilt. I have two more rows ready to go, and they'll be quick. I am planning on assembling the pieced inner border tomorrow, and then I will need to work on the appliqued center panel before I can do anything else on that quilt. The applique will have to wait until next week, I have lots of non-quilt related things to do for Easter. I'm hoping the applique goes quickly, I always dread doing it, even though it's not bad once I get started. The quilt will go together quickly once the applique is finished.
Hi Honey, I'm Home!
13 hours ago
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