In one of my yahoo quilting groups, Stashbusters, Sunday is known as cut it up day. Today I took that advice, and cut things for several different projects. I have two quilts in the works, where I am using pieced cornerstones. Today, I cut out the cornerstones for both of those. I had realized I didn't cut enough sashing for the Quiltmaker 100 blocks sampler quilt. Today I cut more. I did work on the rally quilt, in that I cut out the cowboy boot blocks for it. I also finished cutting out a quilt for a great-nephew due to be born this summer!
I have a bunch of black and pink 1 1/2" squares left over from the pink/black beast. I decided to make a couple quilts with nine patches. I've been wanting to make a scrap quilt with 3" nine patches, so I designed one on EQ. I am going to use white squares in the corners and center, and the other four squares will be black. I will alternate the nine patches with 3" squares of every color except black and white. I'm putting it on point too, and I think it will be a really fun quilt. I need 506 nine patches. I will use up my extra black squares first, then strip piece the rest of the nine patches. I'm not going to worry about the 3" squares until all those nine patches are done, which will be a while.
I am also going to make nine patches with the pink squares, again with white, but with the pink in the corners and center. I haven't decided what I'll do with the pink nine patches yet. Since I decided to use white in both sets of nine patches, I needed to cut up some white to get started. I figured out for the black/white nine patches I needed 100 WOF strips! That's about 5 yards of fabric. I started looking at my white on white fabrics, and I don't have much more than that in my entire stash. I tend to use white on whites and cream on creams as soon as I buy them. I have more creams than whites, which is kind of funny because I use far more cream than white in my quilts. I really only want to use white on whites in the black/white nine patches, but I may look through my stash and find something else to use for the pink nine patches. If not, I'll be shopping for more white on whites. These nine patches will be my leader/ender project for a while.
The twins are feeling better today. They both have runny noses and Mr. L has a cough, but compared to last week, they are doing much better. We do have a humidifier in their room, and that helps. We put some Vick's Vapor Rub on them as well. Miss S was drinking well and eating today, so that is a great improvement for her. They got to go visit their other grandmother today, the house was strangely quiet without them.
Oh, I managed to rearrange a room today too! DH and I talked about it, and he needs a quiet place to blog and do computer stuff. Somehow working in the living room with the twins crawling on him wasn't working for him ;-) He has been wanting a laptop computer (I have a laptop, but he has always had a desktop), so he went and bought a laptop today, while I rearranged the small room next to my sewing room, and made room for a table for him to put his computer on. Right now there is a twin sized bed in that room, but when the twins move into beds that will be moved up their room, and then I will work in earnest to make that small room into a home office for DH. I still have some of my sewing stuff stored in there, but when I finish all the projects I am working on with due dates, I should be able to get most of that put away in my sewing room. It was a busy day!
Of Porches and Quilty Things!
17 hours ago
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