If you've ever done a house rearrange, you know the first room is the hardest to empty. To empty that first room, you have to put things in other rooms that already have stuff in them!
I started in earnest this weekend, and this morning, I actually had one room empty.
This room is really small. I'm not really sure what it was supposed to be, because although there is something that looks like a closet on the wall you can't see, that actually houses the water heater and furnace. No closet means it's not a bedroom, it's pretty small to be much of anything. It has a window, so it's not a large closet. We've lived in this house for 13 years now, and during that time, we've used this room as a bedroom, a sewing room (my first ever sewing room), a nursery, an office, and now it will be my sewing room again. We haven't painted it since it was a nursery, and we don't want to take the time to paint it now either. I don't mind the purple, but I hate blue. Nevertheless, this will be my new sewing room.
I've started putting things in here already, trying to make the best use of the small space. There is no way the contents of my current sewing will fit in this little room, so I will actually have parts of my current sewing room in three different rooms, and I'm purging quite a bit as well. My goal for this room is to store my vintage machines, cutting table, two machine cabinet, and all my batting. Once those are in here, I'll see what misc. things can fit. I wish I could fit my ironing station in here, but no matter how I measured and figured, the room is too small to fit the cabinet, cutting table and ironing station. I think I will be able to leave the ironing station in it's current location, which is just a few steps outside this room, so it will still work pretty well.
Previously, this room was DH's office, and that is now relocated to the living room. We had to get rid of a few pieces, and not everything is organized yet, but we're working on it.
Since I was carrying most of DH's office stuff up the stairs by myself, I used my leg to balance big boxes or small pieces of furniture. I paid a price for that, and my leg is all sorts of pretty colors now.
This whole week I should only be working downstairs, so hopefully my leg will heal up before we are ready to move our bedroom downstairs!
Of Porches and Quilty Things!
17 hours ago
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