Woohoo! The house rearrange is almost finished!!! I am so anxious to get back to a normal schedule!
This room that is now my sewing room is tiny! My two machine cabinet and my cutting table fit in here, but not with much room to spare. I can make quite a bit of extra space in here, just by finishing some UFO's. The white laundry basket on the floor is almost all quilt parts to quilts ready to assemble. If I can get those quilt tops assembled, I can hang them in a closet elsewhere in the house, and if I get them quilted, the batting in the corner will take a huge hit. Now that my sewing area has changed so drastically, I won't be able to stock up on batting anymore. Once I clear some of my stock out by finishing up some already started quilts, I'll have a little breathing room.
This is a lousy photo, but you can actually see part of my cutting table. Believe me, that's a huge improvement! It was piled three feet deep yesterday!
I was so proud of myself for hanging up the pegboard myself! My rulers and smaller cutting mats are nicely organized, right next to my cutting table, behind the door to the room.
The "guest room" is still holding my stash, and my ironing station. I have no intention of moving my stash at this point in time. I did hang curtains in here since this pic was taken.
The other side of the guest room is still a work in progress. The treadmill is ready to plug in, and believe it or not, the ironing station is only piled with about half as much stuff as it had a couple days ago. We now have the doors to hang on this room, we just haven't gotten to it yet.
The other twin bedroom should be finished tomorrow. I've got about half the room settled now. This room has a fresh coat of paint on it. Why does all my family love blue, when I despise it? Oh well, not my room. The curtains on the bed make it more like a fort, and the other twin now has curtains on his bed as well.
Hemming curtains is the only sewing I've done in three weeks now, but I'm hoping by this weekend, I'll be back to quilting!
All the furniture moving is done aside from one kids desk that's going into the room above. That will get moved tomorrow. I've mostly been working on piddly things, trying to clear off the ironing station and cutting table, which still aren't done.
I've spent most of the past two days going through paperwork. I've shredded three trash bags of documents I no longer need to keep. Up until this house, we moved every 3 or 4 years, so I never let the paperwork pile up like this. We've been in this house 13 years, and so I had a lot of stuff piled up that I had forgotten to go through. Better that I tackle it now, than let it pile up more!
I've donated an entire van load full of stuff, thrown out lots of things that probably should have been trashed a while ago, and I'm still finding things to pass on. Nothing like a house wide rearrange to make you touch almost every thing you own.
It's good this is coming to an end, and a normal routine can start up again. Now is I can just find my fitbit cord, which got misplaced in the chaos ;-)
Of Porches and Quilty Things!
17 hours ago
I'm so glad you're almost done! Sometimes I think I want to pitch everything and start over, even though I try very hard to keep all the stuff in check.
I can relate to the accumulation of "stuff" when you don't move. We've been in this house longer than we have ever stayed anywhere and it shows it. I am so glad for your sake that this upheaval is nearly complete.
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