The Double Delight mystery quilt started yesterday on Quiltville. I am a late starter, but today I should be able to get started on Step 1. Abigail helped me pull my fabrics last night. The bolt in the back row is what I want to use for the backing, and I chose my fabrics mostly based on that. Not the way most people go about it, I know, but we'll see how this works out. I wanted to work from stash for this quilt, and was really stuck on my last color. Abigail and I decided on that rust/orange, but I was originally leaning towards a gold instead. If I had had a celery green, I might have gone with that instead, but that would have required shopping, which I am determined not to do for this quilt. The brown I chose has rust and burgundy, so I think this will work. I have some shirtings and precut strips that will probably make it into this quilt as well, but these are my main fabrics.
So why did I go a week without posting? I was trying to get that scrub order for 8 tops done. I finished the last one this morning. I have never been a UFO type of person when it comes to crafts. I am a start-to-finish person. If something else comes along I want to do, I just hurry up and get what I'm working on done, so I can start the new project. These 8 tops gave me an appreciation of how UFO's happen. I got the order during a family crisis. I was too upset to work on them, so I offered the fabric back to the person and said I couldn't do it right then. She said there was no hurry and not to worry about it. Well, with the holidays and all the projects I had going for them, plus all the extra cooking, and activities, the fabric for those scrubs was forgotten. I came across it just before Christmas, and thought I really should get those done. I had done nothing for them, no cutting out, nothing. I have made hundreds of scrubs over the years, and I can make them on auto-pilot. I do not have to pay much attention to what I am doing, because I have made so many. Making these scrub tops was a battle for me. I simply could not get myself motivated to do them. I would make excuses to do other things so I didn't have to work on them. I did get them done, but it took me a week, and it should have taken no longer than 4 days, tops. When motivated, I have gotten that many tops done in two days. I think the very fact I had put them off, made it soooo hard to go back to it.
I guess there is a UFO personality lurking around in me, and I need to guard against it. I have a whole new appreciation of how that can happen, and it seems once you've left one thing undone, it would be easier for that to snowball. Several unfinished projects would be overwhelming, and would make getting anything finished a challenge. I need to stick with my start-to-finish mentality, and be thankful that is my first instinct.
My DH got the pegboard up in my sewing center, so now I am much more organized in there, even all the gadgets I got for Christmas have a place to live. I am all ready for a big sewing year in 2009!