Here is my Double Delight laid out on the kitchen table. I have all the blocks done for the original setting, but the more I look at it, the less I want it put on point and the more I like it straight set. That means, even though the back corner of my table has a pile of blocks that wouldn't fit on the table, there are not enough blocks to straight set it for my bed. So, I need to make more blocks. Not a problem, I still have more of all the fabric. I also want a pieced maple leaf border, so I'll need to make all of those blocks too. I'm looking forward to making all of those, but I have a few projects that should be finished first. Double Delight is going on the back burner for a while. I still plan on finishing it this year, but not right now. This quilt is going to be gorgeous, and it deserves to not be rushed.
My next projects will be a Celtic knot quilt for my SIL to raffle off at her St. Patrick's Day gymnastics meet, and my first grandbaby quilts which I am so excited to make. I've finally chosen patterns for all of those, and I'm going to start cutting them all out tomorrow. I'm going to try to spend some time cutting scraps too, my scrap basket has not been tamed, and it's overflowing into the room. If I can at least get it down enough to stay in the basket, I'll be happy. I'll probably spend the rest of the week cutting, giving me a break from sewing, and getting me all ready few the next few projects.
How wonderful the straight setting looks. Quite different than setting on point... but the effect is still very striking. Thanks for posting the picture.
Now that I see your straight setting.........I'm debating about setting my blocks straight. I'm already making more blocks because I want a Queen size quilt. I'll have to diagram it and see how many more blocks I will need by setting it straight instead of on point. I don't know about you but I like to color outside the box and hardly every follow directions totally.......I change them to meet my requirements.
I love the straight set and that's what I'm going to do. I had planned on doing 11 more blocks 1 more across and down. I'll just have to reconfigure. What do you think you need to make it larger?
I'm also going to make pillow cases with the 9 patch pink blocks & maybe blue squares - we'll see when I get it started.
Thanks for the peek.
Judi in Ohio
Thank you for responding to my query on yahoo chat re color options. Your version is beautiful. Also with this quilt design, I think it looks good either straight set or on point. Now I must go back and stare at it for a while longer.
A maple leaf border is a great idea, it will look wonderful with your colors. I am looking forward to seeing more of it!
I like the straight setting. Your colors are beautiful and I think a pieced maple leaf block will definately make this a stunning quilt! Good work!
I love the straight set. I think I may do mine that way...if I ever finish that is.
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