This bit is on my sewing cabinet ready to go for tomorrow. I've been putting in long hours sewing. I decided to piece all the logs before I added them to the blocks. That meant long hours of sewing and not feeling like I was getting anywhere. Now that all the logs are pieced, the sub-blocks should go together quickly. I am running out of time to work on this. I have tomorrow and Saturday (I babysit Friday) then I promised DH that I would work on the rally quilt starting April 1st until it was done. I'd really like to get the wedding quilt into blocks before Sunday, but we'll see, that will be pushing it.
DH actually got some prep work for the rally quilt done for me today. It took him much longer than he thought it would, and I just smiled at that. Anything to do with quilting always takes longer than you think. I am making an applique panel with scooters pulling a covered wagon, and I needed the graphics chosen and scaled to the size I needed. He found everything I needed and after I approved it, he printed it out for me. Next week I will work on choosing fabrics, and start the prep work for machine applique. I have four more pieced blocks to cut out for that quilt too. but thankfully, I made several of the blocks for the rally quilt while I was working on the wedding quilt.
Everyone here has been sick, but oddly enough, not with the same thing. I have been having some pretty bad allergy issues, DD#3 has a nasty cold, the twins have been vomiting and having diarrhea issues. DH and DD#2 have been under the weather too. I'll be glad when all of this straightens out. A houseful of sick people is no fun at all.
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