Here are Chunks 17, 18, 19, and 20! Only five to go, so I'm hopeful I can finish the top and get it mailed off to be quilted next week. At least I am 80% done with the chunks. This past weekend did not go at all the way I expected it to. I thought I'd have all kinds of time to sew, but it didn't turn out that way. On the other hand, I didn't think I'd get a chance to sew today, but I got two chunks done after I finished babysitting. I am exhausted now, and more than ready to go to bed.
I have been switching up on my leaders and enders. These last couple of chunks I just used the blocks for the ugly quilt as my leader/enders. I have 70 of the 80 blocks done, and I am currently using the last ten blocks as my leader/enders. When I am finished with the ugly blocks, I will go back to assembling the Shamrock quilt as my leader/enders. I already assembled half of the Shamrock quilt this way, so with 5 more chunks to go, there is a pretty good chance I'll have the Shamrock quilt ready for borders about the same time the Celtic Mystery quilt is ready for borders. That would be good as they both need to be finished about the same time.
I watched the last half of the Superbowl yesterday. I thought it was funny that the Saints won. In my post
I talked about the football angel that showed up on one of my quilts, and how she probably routed for the Saints. I hadn't been following football this year and had no idea they were contenders. I think my quilting serendipity turned into football serendipity.
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