My sewing machine is tired and needs some spa treatment. You know, an oil bath, some massaging of the timing and such. With all I've made on it, I'm really surprised I've been able to go this long without having it serviced. It doesn't need anything major that I know of, just a regular TLC check-up. It's going in tomorrow. I'm borrowing my sister's machine to get me through the weekend. Now I know why people have more than one machine.
I did get five scrub shirts done this week, as well as the luggage tags and steering wheel covers. I still have lots of scrubs to make. Only two for someone else, the rest for my DH. My husband has acquired a scrub addiction, which compliments my fabric addiction nicely. Now we both enjoy searching for fabric. I found some Beatles fabric and he so wanted some Beatles scrubs. I also bought some Jetsons fabric to make him a scrub top. I figure being in the hospital is stressful enough, it's nice to have a nurse or doctor have a wild scrub top to take your mind off things.
I am struggling with myself to get anything done today, but I am working on cutting out scrubs, and cutting up shirts. I just keep making more and more scraps, and have no time to get it cut into scrap system sizes. I keep waiting for time to do it, but I really need to make time to do it. I am coming to the conclusion there will never be time to cut if I don't schedule it.
I will try to take some pics of the luggage tags. I've had a couple people ask about them.
Of Porches and Quilty Things!
18 hours ago
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