Here is a close up of one of the blocks. This block is one of those blocks known by more than one name. I know it as Churn Dash, but some people call it Monkey Wrench. Of course, some people call the block I know as Snail Trail a Monkey Wrench block too, so who knows what it was known as first?
I am in the middle of quilting a different quilt, and I won't start quilting this one until that one is done. I still have to finish piecing the back anyway. It shouldn't take long to finish piecing the backing for this, I'm finished with the little pieces, so it's really just adding a big border now.
DH, DS the Elder, DS the Younger, and I went to go see the exhibit "Bodies" today. It has real human bodies specially preserved and is an informative and interesting presentation. It was a bit surreal, and it actually didn't seem as if the bodies were real. I am not sure that they couldn't done just as well with models, and I'm not sure that I wouldn't have preferred that. At any rate, it was easy to see that we, as humans, are indeed, "fearfully and wonderfully made".
1 comment:
I love your colorful quilt. Are the centers fussy cut or appliqued, either way they look great. That exhibit came to our area too, but it was a little too intense for me. I loved your take on it though. We along with all creatures and the earth are something of a miracle.
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