I have been trying to get rid of my pre-cut six inch squares. I made most of them into Indian Hatchet blocks. I didn't count them as I was going, I just sewed the corners on. When they were finished, I started out dividing them into four categories; darks, pastels, brights, and dull mediums. The dull colors had too much gray to be dark or bright, and they weren't pastel. As I started counted each category to see if it would work for a quilt. I decided to break up the dull category and add to each of other piles. I ended up with 80 blocks each for the brights and pastels, so I'll set those 8 x 10. I had 134 darks, so I made 10 more, and I'll set it 12 x 12. I only have a few 6" squares left, mostly light neutrals, so I will cut those into 2" squares, which I use all the time, and it will all be good :-) Now I am out of all the sizes I stopped saving! I'll have to get the three quilts assembled sometime soon.
Let's see, anything else of note? Miss S cut her first tooth! I think she'll have more shortly. Mr. L is a little behind her, and I think she'll have a second tooth before he has his first.
DS the Younger went to Texas with DS the Elder. He's checking things out, trying to decide if he'd like to relocate. If he decides to stay here, we may end up signing him up last minute for classes at the community college this semester, or he may take this semester off. I'm not sure what he will decide. Kids have so many choices nowadays, it's no wonder they have such a hard time deciding. It used to be, people stayed in the town they grew up in, and college was out of reach for most. Now it is what do I want to do, and where do I want to do it? Even with the lousy economy, kids are still faced with far more choices than our parents ever had.
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