Today was a long day, the little guy I babysit for was a grumpy bear today. I did mange to get one side of the pieced border sewn while he was napping. I wanted to lay it out so I could see how it would look, and audition some borders. The pale color that may look cream to you is actually a butter yellow.

I am going to use the butter yellow for the inner border, and I am really liking it as a narrow border on the other side of the pieced border too. I need to add more borders to make it the size I need. This first outer border possibility is the piece I bought with this quilt in mind. The blue background of this fabric isn't quite blending in with the string blocks. The greens in it are close to my sages, the oranges are wrong, and there is no yellow in it at all. There is a little purple, darker than my purples. I'm not convinced this is right. It is reading too dark to me.

This is a piece from my stash. The blue is better, the peaches are great. The green is all wrong, and again there is no yellow. There is some purple in this, and it is OK.

Here is another piece from my stash. The blue is lighter than most of the strings in my string blocks, but the greens, peach/oranges, and purple are good, and there is yellow. I have looked all over for fabric with these colors in them, and I'm just not finding anything else. Right now this piece is winning. I don't usually do lighter borders, but I have been stuck on finding fabric for this. I entertained the idea of doing a piano key border with the same fabrics from the quilt, but I think two pieced borders would clash a bit and take away from each other instead of complimenting each other.
I know it's hard to tell colors on a computer, but if you'd like to put in your two cents feel free to post a comment. I still have time to decide, and sometimes I keep looking at the photos to help me decide. I am definitely going with the two yellow borders, I really like the look of that. I am just undecided on the outer border.
Of course its hard to tell here on my screen the real colours but I'm liking option 2 the best with the circular flower motifs. I like the green spicing things up and the blue sits better to my eyes, on my screen. The third option looks really light and a purplish-blue so its not doing much for me from here- and the background of option 1 seems abit harsh against the other blues I can see in the photo. I wish I could see the fabric IRL to give a more reliable opinion. I'm liking the double butter border too :)
I like the 3rd choice it doesn't compete with the rest of the quilt. the first two made me think. ohh look at that boarder, instead of, look at that quilt.
I actually don't mind the first choice! I see your first two readers picked two and three, and I do think three works as well. I am sure whatever you do will be the perfect choice!
It is so hard to find a border for some quilts and evidently this is one of them. Based on the picture I like the first border the best however, I won't have to live with it. But one of the things I like about that border is it is way more subtle. The others seem to scream busy to me along with all the action in the main quilt. As every one says -- in person may be totally different than on screen. Your quilt is looking great so far and love the yellow with it. I can't wait to see what you pick out to finish it off.
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