The plastic containers under the workbench on the floor are new, and they are the perfect size for this space. I am trying something new for me, and putting a different project in each container, so these containers should always have new contents as things get finished. I always have multiple projects going at once, but I'm hoping having them in containers will help keep my surfaces a bit neater.
This area is the one giving me the most problems. I had considered moving my large sewing cabinet under the window, but this room is just not very big, and it didn't really help much. I was debating on setting up the Brother again, and for now, I decided against it. I bought the multimedia shelves, so I could put the small sized mini bolts on them, and I think at this stage it is a better use of space. I don't use the Brother that often, and I can always use the Bernina or Juki instead. If I really want to use the Brother, I can set it up elsewhere in the house.
I had originally wanted to take the small cabinet out of the sewing room, but for now I need the storage space. If I move that bucket, the drawers in the corner do open all the way, so it is all functional like this, just not my ideal. That's the thing about rearranging, I may have an idea of where I want things to go, but it doesn't always work. The great thing is, I can move things around later if it's not working for me.
Have you ever looked at before and after pictures, and just didn't consider the time it took to get from before to after? While you are rearranging, it can be so discouraging, and the domino effect always takes place. The whole "to move this you must first move these other three things" can drive us all crazy. I am hoping by showing the process, I might encourage someone who has been putting things off, because they couldn't get it done in a day. I can't get this done in a week, and I know it. I'm OK with the time table, even though I know a couple of projects will be rushed next month because of the delay.
I doubt I will post tomorrow. I'll be babysitting all day, and any time I have to work on the room, I will only be making mini-bolts, either the small size or the larger size. I moved all of my large bolts of fabric into the kitchen so I can work at the kitchen table. This is definitely not a situation that will work for long, so I'll be busily refolding fabric any chance I get tomorrow.
1 comment:
I'm grateful to you for showing this process, from the "beforeish" pictures to the daily updates. You are so right about "everything being connected to everything else: -- that's where I usually run aground. Thanks again: you're an inspiration!
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