My old cabinets were much deeper than these shelves, which has it's pros and cons. The old cabinets held more fabric, I'm sure I won't be able to put everything that was in them on these shelves. The plus of the new shelves, besides looking much better and working better with my mini-bolt system, is that they are not as deep, and therefore make the room seem a lot larger.
I sold my quilting frame, and my Pattern Perfect set that went with it to two different women. I'm selling the stitch regulator separately, and I am waiting on one woman to decide if she wants it before I contact the next woman who asked about it. Selling some of my old toys leaves money and space for new ones, so I got these shelves and an Accuquilt GO! cutter. I have the cutter, but haven't had a chance to use it yet. I am having a lot of problems with numbness in my hands, amongst other places, so rotary cutting has been a bit of an adventure lately. I'm hoping the Accuquilt GO! will at least help me get a handle on my scrap basket. I found a great deal on a bundle so I got several extra dies with the cutter. I really want to play with my new toy, but I am not letting myself play until my new shelves are at least half filled with my mini-bolts.
I ended up having about 10 people here for lunch on Saturday, and DH came home from his scooter rally a day early. I don't think I sewed at all on Saturday.
I had been planning on sewing all day on Sunday, but since DH was home, he put my shelves together, so I had to move all of my fabric again! Nothing like having to move something over and over again to make it really sink in about how much you have. Now that I am refolding every piece of quilting fabric I have, and it seems like it is taking forever, I really get it. I am going to stick out the no-buy challenge for the rest of this year (it ends November 1st), but I am going to do my own challenge for next year. I tend to do a lot of themed quilts, and I hate having to send in penalty squares if I buy a focus fabric that I use right away.
I think my personal challenge is going to be something along these lines. No buying fabric for backings at all, until I can fit my quilting stash on my new shelves. I don't have any extra-wide fabrics in my stash at all, so that means piecing all of my backings, but hey, backings use up a lot of fabric, so it will help me get to my goal faster. The other part of my personal challenge is going to be no buying fabric unless I will be using it on my next project. This gives me the freedom to buy new fabric, but since it has to be used right away, it won't be stashed. I have gotten pretty good about only buying what I need for a project, but sometimes I just really want something I don't have. My stash is not really that varied, I have a lot of yardage, but not the variety I'd like.
I finally got the rest of the flannel 2 1/2 inch squares sewn into four patches. I did that during baby's nap time today. I have baby again tomorrow, so we'll see what I have time for. I'm hoping to finish putting my red and pink fabrics onto mini-bolts. I decided to refold by color, since that's how I shelve it. The shelves are bolted to the wall, so I can load them from the top and it's not a problem. I didn't want anyone to think I might get crushed my my own fabric stash ;-)
Melodie, your new shelves are so swish! Very, very chic and pretty and so practical. Imagine how nice they will look when filled up.
When I shifted my stash and had to refold everything to do so, I took a drawer or two at a time, refolded the fabric in front of a good DVD in the evening, in a comfy chair. Anyone can eat an elephant, one bite at a time!
I also think those shelves are very beautiful. They look like the ones in some very up-market shops in Cape Town.
It's funny how things are such different prices in different places. I got these shelves at Ikea, which is considered very affordable here.
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