I ended up rearranging my small mini-bolts yet again. I found a lot more 1 yard or less pieces while I was folding my fabrics. Anything less than a fat quarter got thrown in a scrap basket, and hopefully I'll be playing with my Accuquilt Go! soon and cutting those scraps up. I had to move most of my shirt backs, to make room for the new fabrics. The small cabinet that used to be next to these shelves is now in another room with novelty fabrics in it. These plastic drawers have pre-cut strips in them. They are full right now, but I routinely use them and I usually cut a few strips every time I cut fabric, so I keep them full on purpose.

Here are my new shelves, full of beautiful fabrics. I love the way this looks! The box on top of the shelves has shirt parts in them, and I moved the shirt backs that didn't fit on the multimedia shelves anymore right next to them. Now most of my shirt pieces are together. I'd like to find something different to keep the shirt parts in, so I'll be looking for something else besides that box, preferably something in the house that I can just repurpose.
So now that that all looks lovely, am I done? NO! I told you at the beginning of this I was going to show the process, so here are the parts of the room I haven't worked much on.

The closet is still a mess. If you look at the black shelves in the closet, you'll notice there is now room on the shelves. I moved a lot of that fabric onto my new shelves. I am hoping to get quite a bit of my juvenile fabrics on these shelves. A lot of that pile of fabric is juvenile prints, so I'll be putting as much as I can onto mini-bolts and storing it in the closet. Anything that won't fit on these shelves will go into the small cabinet I moved into another room.

Here is my workbench area. It's actually not as bad as it looks. Most of that pile of fabrics is either muslin, which will fit in my small cabinet, or it is upholstery fabric I plan to use for making shopping bags. Most of the things on top of the bench will go in drawers below, but since I haven't moved the muslin and upholstery fabrics, I haven't put it away. Some of that muslin I will probably use to line the shopping bags, so if I just spend a day cutting out grocery bags, a lot of this fabric will be kitted to sew as I have time.
The workbench area I think I can get cleaned up in about a day. The closet will still take several days, and honestly, I don't know that I'll do the whole closet right now. That large shelf in the closet is a mess, and almost a third of what's on it is batting or quilt tops. I may just leave that large shelf until I use up the batting and get the quilt tops quilted. That will give me room to organize the other things on that shelf. I will work on the closet enough to get the fabric off the floor, and be able to close the doors. I really need to get back to sewing, because I have deadlines coming up. I will work on the room for just this next week, then it is time to get to some serious sewing. Whatever is not done by next weekend, will have to wait. I do think I can get enough done to at least close those closet doors ;-)
snwow that is really comming along great...when you are done there you could come to Ohio and fix this mess!
where can i find the instructs to make one like your beautiful zaks cats, i love your redo, i am from stashbuster too as cutnsewdesign@aol.com
What you have done is wonderful. Most of my fabric is packed up awaiting new furniture in October but I too shall be folding and reorganising for a week or too once it arrives. The completed part looks wonderful!
Beautifully done.
I haven't sewn at all throughout the summer and the sewing corner has been used as a dump corner, housing everything from books to the fan for cooling the bedroom down. Today I attacked it, stashed away fabrics, cleared the decks, managed to get a top finished that has been on the wall for months and started putting together another one.
Yay for cleaning!
ohmygoodness - i wish I could click my heels 3 times and end up in your sewing room whenever I wanted!!!! that gives me chillbumps!
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